3406 C Series Caterpillar Service Manual
CAT 3406 engine - click for specs and manuals Diesel Engine Specs Basic specs are free and open to everyone They usually include engine images, displacement, dimensions and weight, essential bolt tightening torques, plus characteristics of the engine e.g. Its power and torque.
FMI code Type of fault type
0 Data are reliable, but exceed the normal operating range of the parameter change
1 The data are reliable, but below the normal operating range of the parameter change
2 Data is erratic, intermittent or incorrect
If you look at the cloth in the top half of the box you can see that the spot where it should sit is less defined than where the remaining pieces press into the material. Hugo meyer serial numbers lookup. It's been missing for a long time. Serial number 432292 marked on front and rear of main lens and all three mounting tubes. Unfortunately the front mask for the 6' length is missing. Also includes lens shade, yellow filter, rear focusing insert and front mask/inserts for the 3 1/2' and 4 3/4' focal lengths.
3 Voltage above normal or short circuit to a higher voltage circuit
4 Voltage below normal or short circuit to a lower voltage circuit
5 Current is below normal or circuit is open
6 The current is above normal or the circuit is closed to ground
7 Inadequate reaction of the mechanical system
8 Anomalous frequency, pulse width or period of a signal
9 Abnormal data exchange
10 Anomalous rate of change
11 Fault type not defined
12 Faulty device or component
13 Parameter outside calibration
FMI 00 - The data is reliable, but it exceeds the normal operating range of the parameter change
For each electronic control system, the upper limit of the expected operating range of the signal value change is set. The upper limit is set based on the expected maximum value of the parameters (for example, the temperature of the torque converter). A sensor that continues to function but generates a signal whose value is higher than the expected upper limit will cause the FMI 00 code to be registered.
Example - The normal factor of the sensor signal with pulse-width modulation (the value proportional to the width of pulses) should not exceed 80%. Peugeot key code card. If the sensor generates a signal with a duty ratio of 81%, it means that it continues to function, but the signal value exceeds the set upper limit of its range.
FMI 01 - The data is reliable, but below the normal operating range of the parameter change
For each electronic control system, the lower limit of the expected operating range of the signal value change is set. The lower limit is set based on the expected minimum value of the parameters (eg oil pressure in the engine). A sensor that continues to function but generates a signal whose value is below the expected lower limit will cause the FMI 01 code to be registered.
Example - The minimum duty cycle of most sensors with pulse width modulation is at least 5%. If the sensor generates a signal with a duty cycle of 3%, it means that it continues to function, but the signal value is below the set lower limit of its range.