Fl Studio Directory Is Empty
I'm new here, so if this is in the wrong section of the forum please direct me to the correct place! Ty
Okay, so my problem is that FL won't load up the samples that I have in my older tracks. I know where the problem is, I renamed my 'Samples' folder to 'Samples (Old)' while attempting to better organize my files. I could just rename it back, but I would like to continue to organize my files better. Anyways, my question to you guys is, How do I tell FL that my samples are in a new folder?
basically changed from
C:/program files (x86)/Image-Line/FL Studio 11/Data/Patches/Samples
C:/program files (x86)/Image-Line/FL Studio 11/Data/Patches/Samples (Old)
A file explorer thing does open and search when I load up a track, but it really doesn't seem to do anything at all..
---------- Post added 06-22-2013 at 03:31 PM ---------- Previous post was 06-16-2013 at 02:48 PM ----------
Anyone know? If you need more information or something just say
Directory is empty problem so im having a problem where ill add a folder to fl studio and ill click on it and it will say 'directory is empty', ive searched all around the internet for help with this problem but nothing has worked. FL Studio Failed to create user data folder / Unable to create file / Errors saving data views: 20074 If you have errors when first opening FL Studio (data can't be saved or created) saving projects, recordings, exporting, dragging sample slices, at FL Studio start-up or any action where data may be saved to your User data folder.
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